Of Celluloid Mice & Tumbled Soup Cans


Hot off the press! (Well, antique desk, to be accurate.) Just finished a poster for a screening of short films at Millennium Film Workshop. My wife Rachael curated the event, which will take place this Friday in New York City’s East Village (come one, come all!).

The films deal both directly and indirectly with pop culture icons and pop references, and are little gems of light on celluloid by a stellar cast of both seasoned and up-and-coming experimental filmmakers.

It was a lot of fun to work on the poster and being art-directed by my dear wife. It took a while to come up with the right idea, but after many, MANY meandering pencil scribbles and playing with different vague ironic concepts, I arrived at this:

Poster for a film screening at Millennium Film Workshop. Art Director: Rachael Guma.